Steve Hiett photography

zaterdag 16 november 2013

As a future photography student (starting in 2014) of course, my interest goes out to people who already earned their name in this art.
My favourite photographers are Erwin Olaf and Marc Lagrange.
I like their edginess as well as their use of colour and setting.
For me, they portray women in a sexy and feminine way without getting trashy.

Recently, I discovered Steve Hiett's work.
So I'm very very proud to say we just ordered a picture of him for our living space.
It's the 1st of 3 pictures shown above and it's called Avenue George V.
Can't be a coincidence it refers to a place in Paris ; I LOVE Paris.
But also love Steve's work. His pictures ooze vibrance, dept and mystery.
I want to hear people comment on this picture and tell me what their thoughts are.
I'm pretty sure many fantastic stories will be passed on and I can't wait to share them with you.

Who is your favourite photographer and why ?

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